Leipzig University
By Jürgen Vollmer
Since six centuries Leipzig University is enriching the cultural and intellectual live of the city. Presently, it strives to take a leading role anoung Germans top research universities.
The Alma mater Lipsiensis was founded in 1409 on initiative of magisters and scholars from Prague, and in 1519 the Leipzig Debate marked the beginning schism between Rome and the Lutherans.
Donations during the reformation turned Leipzig University into one of the riches universities in the Holy Roman Empire.
The very first institutes for a fair number of scientific disciplines were set up in Leipzig, and the important role of its research is reflected in its association with 19 Nobel laureates.
The University Library, the University Archive, the Art Collections, and the German Literature Institue are reknowned University institutions that contribute substantially to the city’s cultural life. In addition, also the Botanical Garden, its three museums, and the teaching collections are also attracting numerous visitors; and last by not least thousands of visitors are participating each year in the Seniorenstudium, the KinderUni, and the studium universale.