German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
By Team WissensSpuren
The German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig is a leading research center of biodiversity sciences with a research focus on insights into the biological diversity of Earth. Researches from all over the world cooperate in building the scientific foundation of a sustainable development of biological diversity.
iDiv was founded in 2012 as a research center of the German Science foundation. Presently it has 300 employees and 170 members. The main seat with more than ten research groups is located in the Puschstraße on the Alten Messe in Leipzig. One of its core ingredients is a member-network that comprises research group leaders from eleven scientific institutions located in Central Germany. Predominantly, the institute is supported by the three federal states Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringa and Saxony. Its three universities in Halle, Jena, and Leipzig are operating iDiv in cooperation with the Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research – UFZ. Since 2024 the external activities of iDiv are reprented by a society.
Education and Research
Scientists of more than 30 nationalities collaborate at iDiv to develop the scientific foundation of a sustainable development of biological diversity on our planet. They explore the consequences of the loss of biological diversity. iDiv’s integrative research approach facilitates the cooperation across disciplines with an extensive spectrum of scientific methods. Its work is supporting politicians and stake holders to develop solutions to cope with the change of biological diversity.
Its member scientists are teaching at the three universities of Halle, Jena, and Leipzig.
iDiv engages in Science and Politics and in science communication. With events, media relations, and politics consultation iDiv strives to disseminate its insights such that it enters public discussions and political decisions.
Moreover, the conter reaches out to the civil society – for instance in its internationally oriented media relations or in events like the Long Night of Sciences, the Leipzig Book Fair or SPIN 2030.