Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “North East”
Leibniz Institutes
Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography
The Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) is the only non-university research institute for geography in Germany. The institute’s origins date back to 1896, when the Leipzig Museum of Ethnology displayed the collection of geologist Alphons Stübel, which became an independent Museum of Regional Geography in 1907. The institution flourished, and by the 1930s, the museum had also become a research institute. From 1950 onward, the institute evolved into the central geographic research institute of the GDR. In 1976, it was integrated into the Academy of Sciences of the GDR as the Institute for Geography and Geoecology (IGG). After German reunification, it was re-established as the Institute for Regional Geography. Since 1996, it has been located at its current site in Leipzig-Paunsdorf.
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Leibniz Institutes
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research
The Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) pursues a clear and globally unique research profile, focusing on aerosols, which are tiny airborne particles, and clouds. Although they exist in minimal quantities, aerosols are vital components of the atmosphere, as they play a key role in regulating the Earth’s energy, water, and trace substance balance. Human activities can alter the properties of these highly dispersed systems, directly and indirectly affecting humans. This can happen both through the health impacts of inhaled particles and droplets, as well as through regional and global climate changes.
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Research Institutes
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) was founded and developed in the context of German reunification as a “broadly based center for researching the ecology of industrialized urban regions.” Today, it stands as one of the world’s leading research centers in environmental science. More than 1,000 employees at the UFZ share the goal of identifying ways to reconcile a healthy environment with societal development through excellent research. Their work has played a key role in transforming the Leipzig area into a rich ecosystem with significant recreational value.
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Research Institutes
Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum
The Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ) explores how the limited resources of biomass can be used with maximal sustainability and efficiency to our energy systems. To this end the insitute identifies, develops, supports, evaluates, and demonstrates the most promising fields of application of bio-energy. Thus, its work extends our knowledge about the opportunities and limitations of the energetic and physical use of renewable raw materials, and it permanently secures the leading role of German industry in this sector.
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