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Libraries and Archives
Leipzig City Library
The origin of the Leipzig City Council Library and later the Leipzig City Library begun from donations of 42 books from the estate of Dietrich von Bocksdorf (deceased 1466) and 253 books from town clerk and syndic Peter Freitag. By the end of the 19th century, the collection had grown to over 100,000 books, and the music department of the city library was established. By its 250th anniversary in 1927, the library had 155,000 volumes, including 660 early printed works (incunabula), and 1,702 manuscripts. Since 1991, the City Library has been housed in the old Grassi Museum at Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz. In addition to providing an extensive media offering and free access to information, the Leipzig City Library enriches the cultural life of Leipzig with events for all age groups and serves as a place of encounter and joint learning.
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