In its long history Leipzig brought forth numerous new trends in education, and quite a few new fields of science emerged in its thriving intellectual environment. Presently this is reflected in a remarkable density of universities, research institutes, libraries, archivese, and sites of public education. The Leipziger WissensSpuren bring to life the traces of the past in their relation to present scientific and cultural challenges. Literally translated WissensSpuren are tracks, trails, or traces of knowledge (Wissen).
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Biliotheca Albertina, erbaut von 1887 bis 1889. in Bruck: Arwed Rossbach und seine Bauten. (Berlin: Wasmuth 1904, S. 28), Public domain, via Internet Archive
Herrad of Landsberg, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Every first Saturday of the month we will take a walk along the WissensSpur. Moreover, we will regularly have guided tours to the collections and organize talks that feature special sites of the WissensSpur. In the winter term 2024/25 that talks and guided tours will be conducted in collaboration with the Studium Universale of the University of Leipzig.
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